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CPDL that's right for you

We understand that all settings have different training requirements and focus areas for improvement. We offer bespoke CPDL for schools, colleges, Early Years settings, groups of schools as well as local authorities. Our bespoke offer is designed to meet your specific requirements and could consist of a single-session, whole setting ‘deep dive’, termly twilight refreshers or a more comprehensive series of ongoing CPDL sessions across a year – this provides the greatest opportunity for significant, sustainable improvements to practice and outcomes.

Group having CPDL training session
chemistry teacher in a classroom with pupils

Working together to reach your CPDL goals

There may be a topic from our current menu of CPDL that, when adapted to your setting would meet your CPDL needs. Or you may be looking for professional development in another area where nasen could offer support. Our bespoke CPDL journey with you will, however, be guided by the same principles - we will work in close partnership with you to ensure that:

  • ​​​​​​Your needs and the desired impact of the CPDL are clearly identified
  • The design and content of the CPDL are informed by the existing knowledge, beliefs and experience of your staff and the context in which they work
  • There is a balance between expert delivery of evidence-based content and opportunities for staff collaboration and reflection
  • We consider how the CPDL might provide a sustained impact in your setting including opportunities for ongoing support and follow-up   

Request more information about our bespoke CPDL 

What type of CPDL are you interested in?
What type of organisation are you?